PID, Roll No., Name, Email ID, Mobile, DOB, Gender, Category, City, State, Stream, Work Experience Details, Roll No., Academic Details, MAT Scores and percentile
Application No, Course, Candidate Name, DOB, Age, Gender, Domicile, Email, Mobile, Stream, Institute Name, Institute Place, Year of Passing, Exam Mode, Address, City, State, Pincode
Form No, Roll No, Name, Email ID, Mobile, DOB, Gender, Nation, Category, Father Name, Mother Name, Address, City, State, Pincode, Previous Academic Details, Work Experience, MAT Score, MAT Percentage
Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pincode, Inter Percentage, Graduation Percentage, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, MAT Score, MAT Percentage
Applicant Name, Email ID, Secondary Email ID, Mobile, DOB, Gender, Nationality, Marital Status, Category, Parents Name, Parents Email ID, Parents Occupation, Parents Income, Address, City, District, State, Pincode, Acasdemic Details, Work Details, Preferred City, XAT Scores and Percentile
Only 32,865 records contains Mobile Numbers; Email ID is available for all records
Form No, Roll NO, Name, Parents Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Addess, City, State, Pin, Education History, Mobile, Phone No., Work Experience, Scores and Percentile